Oct. 9 (Tue.), 2001

6. Approach to Class III treatment -- 1

What approaches to Class III treatment are available for what purposes?
There are six possible approaches to Class III treatment:
1. Control mandibular growth (direction) (with a chin cup).
2. Move ÔAÕ point forward by stimulation of maxillary growth (with rapid palatal expansion and maxillary protraction).
3. Move ÔBÕ point back with clockwise rotation of the mandible (with Class III elastics and a chin cup).
4. Establish Class I relationship by extraction (of premolars and molars).
5. Establish Class I relationship with an occlusal plane change (with Class III elastics and second order bends).
6. Orthognathic surgery.

A specific example of each approach will be shown:

1. I used to attempt to control mandibular growth (direction) with a chin cup. An example of such an attempt is shown below:

Although chin-cup treatment was popular in Japan, some people viewed the treatment as illustrated in the figure below.

2. Move A point forward by stimulation of maxillary growth (rapid maxillary expansion and protraction).

The skeletal Class III problem was successfully corrected by forward movement of A-point with a rapid maxillary expander and a facial mask.

I currently use the following rapid maxillary expander and facial mask.